Stop Motion

Creating a stop motion animation movie requires a lot of patience and creativity. In order to achieve the illusion of animation, each frame has to be carefully setup and precisely filmed. This process is tedious and time􀀀consuming; however, when properly done, can create an outstanding movie effect.

You will be working in teams of 4, 3, 2, or solo. Your goal is to produce a stop motion animation movie. Your movie should be approximately 30 seconds in length (75 to 200 frames). You can animate any school-􀀀appropriate object. Some ideas include M&Ms, action figures, cars, or string.

Provide a brief description—Use more than 8 sentences to describe the story idea. Try to include information about the following items:
• What is your general idea?
• What is the plot? Explain the introduction, middle (action that will occur) and the ending.
• What tools, objects, etc will you need to create the stop motion?
• What will you create for your background?

Use Microsoft Word to type the paragraph using proper spelling and grammar. Include your name and your partner’s name(s).
Print the paragraph and turn in for a grade. If your story idea changes, you must resubmit your brief description.